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Behavior Analysis Supervisors

But when it became clear to me that we could also learn how people work—not just biologically, but behaviorally—I thought that’s the best of all. Surely, everyone must agree that that’s the most fascinating subject matter. That there could be a science of behavior, of what we do, of who we are? How could you resist that?
— W. L. Heward & C. L. Wood

Behavior Analysis Supervisors is..

  • BCBA owned

  • Locally owned

  • accepting new clients

Ours is not to dominate but to de-escalate or better yet prevent escalation in the first place.

Ours is not to coerce but to listen, learn, guide, and coach.

Ours is not to redirect, restrain, or merely manage and modify. Ours is to understand, share, and shape.

Ours is to prioritize safety, rapport, and the televisibility of what we do above all else.

We have proven that meaningful outcomes can follow when we prioritize these things.
— Gregory Hanley, Ph.D., BCBA-D